My diet is still going pretty strong. I have been eating tons of veggie wraps. They are pretty decent tasting... but getting kind of boring. Its a spinach tortilla with some hummus in it, green pepper, onion, cucumber, tomato, and sprouts or lettuce. Obviously some sriracha or other hot sauce is added as well. I could eat these things all day. Saturday and Sunday we cooked some kabobs up. Saturday we got some chicken and threw them on a skewer with pineapple and onion. I put these on the grill and basted with Soy Vay Island Teriyaki Sauce. It is pretty tasty. We also threw some potatoes, carrots, and onions in some tin foil with butter. I also went for a run on Saturday. I am totally out of shape so my lungs burned like a bastard. I swear I didn't used to be so out of shape. Sunday we hit Mt. Hood Meadows for a bluebird day. It was alot of fun and mellow. Afterwords we got some prawns and threw those on a skewer. One of the skewers I basted with the same Soy Vay sauce and the other with a BBQ sauce I found that is decent. Lately, I have found that there are so many premium sauces and marinades and the truth is they all look like they could be real good. Then I try them and they are just ok. So I kind of feel like I am being rolled. Personally, I think Spicy Bone Sucking Sauce is one of the best BBQs out there and will probably just start buying that exclusively as most of the other ones with fancy names or packaging just aren't that impressive. Anyways, I have a busy week with school and what not. We are hoping to get up to the mountain this weekend for some skiing and I may grabb some sushi at Bamboo during happy hour so maybe I will write up about how awesome that is. Sarah and I were also invited to a Passover Seder with some friends, that should be fun. Until then, it's veggie sandwiches and bananas for this guy. Peace

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